The Get - Together

It was 5.30 AM when I got the call from SKY (not the heavenly one… its Suneel Kumar.Y) asking me the real name of “KOTHI”, our classmate. I guess I told him his name, I’m not sure as I was still in my dreamland, the only thing I remember is he asking me. I was wondering why suddenly he wanted his real name.
Came to office and was surprised to see a mail from our college group, there is hardly any interaction there, and it was from SKY, a long or say a very long mail about our college days, life and work. He had mentioned about the scene in RDB, where DJ tells Su about life inside the university campus and outside the campus.
tim lak lak tim, tim lak lak ; )
That scene triggered or rather inspired him to write the mail to the group. And then off late what has become a tradition in the groups followed. A single mail after a long time to the groups will trigger many responses to the mail and there comes the suggestion of all meeting up once again.
This time the first response was from Abhijith more famously known as Beeja. Again this was another surprise, from the day he started his work in Pune he had hardly sent or had replied to any mails.
Sunday (26th) at Sweet Chariot in 4th block at around 11.30 IST was decided to be the venue and the time for the meet. Meeting info was mailed and reminders were sent thru SMSs to many of them. (Later realized that I had missed some of the names, sorry guys for that)
SMSs regarding college life started floating across like these;
College Life: The steps you walk in the campus, the late mornings you getup, the late nights you chat, the tooth paste you share, the plate and bucket you lend in the trips, the time spent in Punjabi dhaba, coffee day. The rush to cinema theatres, the slam books you write, the hearts that you knock. The crushes, the msgs you forward. College Days were something precious, that you can’t get again.
The D-Day
Around 11.30 got call from Shruthi. She was the first to be at Sweet Chariot, punctual with time, way to go gal. By 12’o clock people started coming. And with the past experience was wondering if the numbers will atleast reach double figures. But the turn out was much much better than I expected, we were 12 of us. It would have been still better if it was’nt a festival day and if planned a little earlier. I chose this day because, was expecting Abhi to attend, and according to his mail he was to leave B’lore on 26th night. But it so turned out that he did’nt come to B’lore itself in the first place.
Anyways it was good to have friends across the table, relishing the pastries and sharing memories of the golden days of college and prospects of marriage and future life. I’m not sure whether I should be spilling the beans or not, but the highlight of the meet was the news of Shruthi’s engagement being fixed. Then there were talks about work pressure, work environment and the ever favorite, teasing someone and the junta bursting with laughs went on.
In this mechanical life of work-home-work, such break brings joy into your life.
The attendees were: Aamir, Anu, Karthik, Kiran, Mayuri, Rashmi, Shruthi, Sharath SP, Sujay, Sumanth, Suneel(SKY) and myself.
One more thing that could be observed was, the rapport between us is much much better than in the college days.
Friends who couldn’t come due to various reasons, called up and suggested to have one more meet.
After having a very good time, we left hoping to meet up again very soon.
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